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 Cimetière national slovaque d tracteurs

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13 participants
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 100
Age : 62
Localisation : Stribro by/ Pilsen CZECH REPUBLIC /post code 349 58
Date d'inscription : 27/10/2009

Cimetière national slovaque d tracteurs - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Cimetière national slovaque d tracteurs   Cimetière national slovaque d tracteurs - Page 3 EmptyJeu 05 Nov 2009, 00:31

asmeraldat a écrit:
regardez tous un peu que c'est mignon!

Bonsoir Asmaraldat !!
MIGNON - it means english Cute ?? // auf deutsch Niedlich ??

I think, that ITMA Nike 180 is a Cute Chenillard.
Mayby the most cute = cutest chenillard at all.

There are many other same size or even smaller chenillards, and some of the old ones can be from point of view of collecteur more valuable, For instance this

BUT theese do not look as a smaler size of some big chenillard.
ITMA NIKE looks like a real big chenillard , only in small size. and the type 180 is the smallest NIKE - so the 180 its the most Cute.

So I did fall in love in ITMA NIKE 180
You too ?
ITMA NIKE 180 is an PUPPY Chenillard
and we love puppys

CUTE, Mignon
are the litlle animals as kittens a pupys , horses in Your photogalery
but wee must never forget, that tehy are not toys !!!
I like most the two horses the big + small / Groot en klein

And as welll as our ITMA NIKE 180 is not just a toy, but we can USE it for some hard work.
So I wat to work with my ITMA NIKE 180 as with a small buldozer or
pulling wood/ trees in the forest.

And YOU ?? What for work you want to do with Your NIKE ?

Have a nice day
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 100
Age : 62
Localisation : Stribro by/ Pilsen CZECH REPUBLIC /post code 349 58
Date d'inscription : 27/10/2009

Cimetière national slovaque d tracteurs - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Cimetière national slovaque d tracteurs   Cimetière national slovaque d tracteurs - Page 3 EmptyJeu 05 Nov 2009, 23:02

THE dancing children are fantastic - not only CUTE
they are MAESTROs.
First I have seen and have feeled just the atmosfer
and in fact this music style is not the cup of my tea ,
than I must see it once more
and once more and
.. again and again
- and than i like it more and more ...
than i can frst see , what the children are dooooooing - o god !
Its fantastic !!!
and on the other hand side I must think about what a hard work is the dance and specially the exercise.

Than i want to find more about it and find this
your friends ?
I wanted to write there in this forum also, that and how i like IT and YOU 2

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 87
Age : 63
Localisation : Belgique (Flandre)
Date d'inscription : 30/11/2009

Cimetière national slovaque d tracteurs - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: its a shame !   Cimetière national slovaque d tracteurs - Page 3 EmptyLun 30 Nov 2009, 20:37

Dear Thomas,i am sorry for your friend that past away,but its make me very sad indeed to see all that great machines just rotten away,its a shame !. Friendly greetings Tony.
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