Nombre de messages : 62 Age : 56 Localisation : Arta, 47100, Greece Date d'inscription : 21/05/2013
Sujet: Goldoni 240 Universal Jeu 30 Mai 2013, 07:30
Dear all, I'm new in this forum and i do not speak French. Please accept my apologies for any mistakes. I recently bought a Goldoni 240 Universal, with a Slanzi DVA 1750, in bad overall condition. The main problem is that the engine needs to much money to fix it. So, I decided to replace the whole engine with a Lombardini 11LD 626-3 NR. Do you think that it is a good choice? Regards, Constantinos
Nombre de messages : 12548 Age : 49 Localisation : seine et marne nord Date d'inscription : 02/09/2005
Sujet: Re: Goldoni 240 Universal Jeu 30 Mai 2013, 08:25
Hello Constantinos ! welcome on this forum !
I read that your crankshaft is dead, it's really difficult to find a new crankshaft . what I say? it's impossible to find it ! those engines are too old to find main parts.
to replace your slanzi, lombardini is a good choice. you just have to create a new clutch to adapt it on the tractor. be carefull, it's not impossible, but it's not easy. be care on the dimensions.
those goldoni universal like the 228-230-233-238 are fitted with lombardini engines, but it's some two-cylinders engines ! the 3-cylinders could be too long for the bonnet ! so you would have to modify the connection of it, and the dashboard.
do you have the serial numbers of the 240, and the year of production? it's for our inventory
good luck with your goldoni, and place pictures for us !
Nombre de messages : 62 Age : 56 Localisation : Arta, 47100, Greece Date d'inscription : 21/05/2013
Sujet: Re: Goldoni 240 Universal Jeu 30 Mai 2013, 10:33
Hello Marc.
I found a crankshaft for the Slanzi DVA 1750. It costs 1300 E and about 1000 E for the rebuilt (valves, cylinders, etc). Thats what the mechanic told me. On the other hand the Lombardini costs 1400 Euros, so i think that replacing the engine could cost me half the money.
The Slanzi is 3-cyl and the Lombardini also. So i believe that the dimensions are close.
I have all that you mention (Part numbers, photos etc...) I tried to upload some photos but i did not maneged it.
Regards, Constantinos
Nombre de messages : 62 Age : 56 Localisation : Arta, 47100, Greece Date d'inscription : 21/05/2013
Sujet: Re: Goldoni 240 Universal Jeu 30 Mai 2013, 10:39
My Goldoni 240 Universal. [img][/img]
Dernière édition par kangelis le Jeu 30 Mai 2013, 10:43, édité 1 fois
Nombre de messages : 62 Age : 56 Localisation : Arta, 47100, Greece Date d'inscription : 21/05/2013
Sujet: Re: Goldoni 240 Universal Jeu 30 Mai 2013, 10:40
Nombre de messages : 62 Age : 56 Localisation : Arta, 47100, Greece Date d'inscription : 21/05/2013
Sujet: Re: Goldoni 240 Universal Jeu 30 Mai 2013, 10:42
This is the Lombardini 11LD 626-3 that i want use.
Nombre de messages : 62 Age : 56 Localisation : Arta, 47100, Greece Date d'inscription : 21/05/2013
Sujet: Re: Goldoni 240 Universal Jeu 30 Mai 2013, 10:53
Nombre de messages : 62 Age : 56 Localisation : Arta, 47100, Greece Date d'inscription : 21/05/2013
Sujet: Re: Goldoni 240 Universal Ven 31 Mai 2013, 16:25
Dear Marc, For your inventory : The Chassis number of the Goldoni 240 is: C204544 year of production 1980 (1st license). The Slanzi DVA 1750 engine Part number is: 238943.
Regards, Constantinos
Nombre de messages : 12548 Age : 49 Localisation : seine et marne nord Date d'inscription : 02/09/2005
Sujet: Re: Goldoni 240 Universal Ven 31 Mai 2013, 16:57
hello constantinos !
many thanks for the numbers and the year of product.
I know that the lombardini two cylinders and the slanzi 3 cylinders mounted on the universal got the same bonnet, until the slanzi two cylinders got a bonnet less longer. that's why I think you could have problems whith the bonnet fixations. perhaps not?
your lombardini engine sims very good for the tractor ! have it got an hydraulic pump? I saw a clutch for assembly, but have it got a disc clutch? or you must adapt the slanzi's one?
the goldoni 240 is really a very good tractor ! be care with it, and you will work with for a long time !
take some pictures and post it !
Nombre de messages : 62 Age : 56 Localisation : Arta, 47100, Greece Date d'inscription : 21/05/2013
Sujet: Re: Goldoni 240 Universal Ven 31 Mai 2013, 17:20
Hi Marc.
I posted some pics above. Don't you saw them?
Nombre de messages : 12548 Age : 49 Localisation : seine et marne nord Date d'inscription : 02/09/2005
Sujet: Re: Goldoni 240 Universal Ven 31 Mai 2013, 19:25
Hi constantinos !
yes I saw your pics !
I wanna say your future pictures ! those about the convertion slanzi to lombardini !
bye !
Nombre de messages : 62 Age : 56 Localisation : Arta, 47100, Greece Date d'inscription : 21/05/2013
Sujet: Re: Goldoni 240 Universal Lun 03 Juin 2013, 22:16
Dear Marc,
I have one question (since i'm not a mechanic but a physist).
Is it true that DVA 1550 and 1750 share the same crankshaft???
Regards, Constantinos
Nombre de messages : 12548 Age : 49 Localisation : seine et marne nord Date d'inscription : 02/09/2005
Sujet: Re: Goldoni 240 Universal Lun 03 Juin 2013, 22:28
I constantinos, yes it's the same crankshaft !
why? you've found a dva1550? or you can? those engines are not very easy to find in France, I also think it's rare !
some parts are common between dva1550 and 1750, cylinders are different but basis is the same.
cheers from France !
Nombre de messages : 62 Age : 56 Localisation : Arta, 47100, Greece Date d'inscription : 21/05/2013
Sujet: Re: Goldoni 240 Universal Lun 03 Juin 2013, 22:36
I think i found one !!! The gye that has it does not know if it is the 1550 or 1750. I asked him to send me some photos so I will be sure when i see it !
Cheers from Greece !!!!!!
Nombre de messages : 12548 Age : 49 Localisation : seine et marne nord Date d'inscription : 02/09/2005
Sujet: Re: Goldoni 240 Universal Mar 04 Juin 2013, 08:17
Hi !
the engine bloc, crankshaft, and connecting rods are the same . just cylinders, pistons and cylinder head are different between the two engines, perhaps the camshaft too.
be carefull the engine is not a dva 1500, it's not the same ! it's an older engine.
bonjour a tous !
désolé mais je n'ai pas pensé a vous faire de traduction pour les non anglophile.
kangelis possède un tracteur goldoni 240, a peu pres notre staub gm440 en version 40cv. il a un souci avec son moteur, vilebrequin HS. dans un premier temps, il avait trouvé un moteur lombardini pour le remplacer, mais évidement il y a des modifications et adaptations a réaliser. il avait trouvé en pièces neuves un vilebrequin, mais le prix rendait l’échange moteur plus intéressant pour l'avenir : moteur plus récent donc pièces plus faciles a trouver, et coût moindre aussi ! en lisant notre forum, avec les difficultés de langue que vous imaginez, il a découvert que les moteurs slanzi dva1550 et 1750 (le sien) ont le même vilebrequin, le même bloc moteur d'ailleurs, jusqu'aux bielles ! seul les cylindres piston et culasses différents, peut être aussi l'arbre a cames. constantinos (kangelis) a peut être trouvé un moteur dva1550 d'occasion pour pouvoir réparer son moteur d'origine plutôt que d'investir plus de 1500€ dans un autre moteur a adapter. a suivre s'il va trouver le bon moteur !
pas mal le forum, on arrive a dépanner jusqu'en Grèce !
a+, marc
Nombre de messages : 13572 Age : 69 Localisation : Manduel (GARD) Date d'inscription : 01/01/2008
Sujet: Re: Goldoni 240 Universal Mar 04 Juin 2013, 11:29
MERCI Marc pour le résumé ! je suis plutôt anglophobe....
Je ne connais pas les prix de ces tracteurs en Grèce mais, ici, ça se vend plutôt cher ...
Nombre de messages : 963 Age : 48 Localisation : ain Date d'inscription : 26/05/2010
Sujet: Re: Goldoni 240 Universal Mar 04 Juin 2013, 23:21
bonsoir tlm
merci marc pour la traduction
et welcome kangelis
Nombre de messages : 62 Age : 56 Localisation : Arta, 47100, Greece Date d'inscription : 21/05/2013
Sujet: Re: Goldoni 240 Universal Lun 10 Juin 2013, 06:35
Good morning to all.
Thanks for the wellcome.
Here in Greece are quite expensive also. I bought it 2000 Euros +300 for the transportation.
Regards, Constantinos
Nombre de messages : 62 Age : 56 Localisation : Arta, 47100, Greece Date d'inscription : 21/05/2013
Sujet: Re: Goldoni 240 Universal Mar 11 Juin 2013, 11:59
Good morning to all (bonsoir), I’m little confused about the procedure to fit the LOMBARDINI 11LD 626/3 in the place of the Slanzi DVA 1750. In: I saw that the CLUTCH CASING and the CLUTCH are the same for Goldoni 240 Universal (with Slanzi DVA 1750) and Goldoni Universal nuovo 245 (with LOMBARDINI 11LD 626/3):
I saw the Lombardini 11LD 626/3 NR that I want to buy but the Bell Housing does not fit in Goldoni's CLUTCH CASING (POS=11 MATRIC.=00007896 DESCRIZIONE=CAMPANA ATTACCO MOTORE)., although that Goldoni gives the same Part numbers for both engine models (00007896).
How i can proceed with the replacement?
Regards, Constantinos
Nombre de messages : 79 Age : 45 Localisation : Lisieux Date d'inscription : 05/11/2012
Sujet: Re: Goldoni 240 Universal Jeu 04 Juil 2013, 00:47
Hi Kangelis,
I've just seen your post about your 240. I also received your private message and answered you. I don't know if you received it ...
As I have the same problem with mine, I'am trying to give you the best advices following my researches
- Crankshaft : used part only, and as the bearing (supports) are bored in line inside the engine, it's really expensive to repair (more expensive than a second-hand engine). In my case I found a crankshaft that I succeed to install in the engine without "soft-machining". There is a risk that it fails at 50/50. On an other hand, my came shaft is not in good condition, oil pressure could be affected ... Finally, I decided to repair it in this state for a checking of the oil pressure, ... I cross the fingers (not sure you use this expression in Greece), I hope it will work longer than 5 minutes ... I will stop the experience at the first signs of unormal behaviour like decreasing of the oil pressure jauge, noise, ...
- In the same time I also look for for another engine : the best solution is a Slanzi of course ... 1750 (Goldoni 240) or 1550 (Goldoni 236) as the 240 use the same clutch & clutch casing (engine bell) for these engines. Moreover some parts are the same for both engines that can be helpful for spare parts.
For an other model / brand : it's not so easy, Lombardini have different clutch casing (G 230, G 233, G 238) which are different than those for the Slanzi. The clutch is the same for all the lombardini (excepted 238, from model B) which is a different clutch than those for the Slanzi. For Lombardini, the primary shaft of the gear box is different and need to be replaced (From what I saw on the spares catalogue). This way can be also expensive but lombardini are easier to find on the second-hand market.
According what I've seen on my documents (similar to your links), the nearest possibility is the 238 for model B and after. In this case the clutch would be the same. I have a doubt for the primary shaft of the gear box. On my document this part is 6869 for 236/240 and 6869-4 for the 238. Clutch casing is 5284 (not the 3814) and it fits on the lombardini 832.
I was not aware that the 245 is using a similar design of the clutch casing but with little differences as the part number is different (7896). Did you identify where are the differences and if there a possibility to do a modification ?
Good luck. Best Regards, François
Nombre de messages : 62 Age : 56 Localisation : Arta, 47100, Greece Date d'inscription : 21/05/2013
Sujet: Re: Goldoni 240 Universal Jeu 26 Sep 2013, 11:39
Hi François,
Thanks for the comments.
Regards, Constantinos
Nombre de messages : 62 Age : 56 Localisation : Arta, 47100, Greece Date d'inscription : 21/05/2013
Sujet: Re: Goldoni 240 Universal Sam 19 Oct 2013, 16:27
Dear All,
Finally the Lomabardini 11ld is fitted on the Goldoni !!!!
I will post the photos soon......
Nombre de messages : 62 Age : 56 Localisation : Arta, 47100, Greece Date d'inscription : 21/05/2013
Sujet: Re: Goldoni 240 Universal Dim 10 Nov 2013, 17:19
Dear all, here are the photos of the installation:
What i actually did was to replicate the dimensions of the chutch case of the old engine to the new one.
By doing this i was able to use the old clutch.
Here is a video from the fisrt run of the goldoni with the new engine. Sorry for the bad quality but it was taken with a mobile phone.
Now it is time to move to the next parts: Hydraulics and Electrics.
I have to fit a Hydraulic Pump since the Lombardini 11LD626/3 didn't have one when i bought it.
I will try to use the old one if it still works. It is a Caproni 20A11X007, as you can see in the image bellow.
As for the Electric system, does enyone has a detailed wiring diagram ?
Nombre de messages : 62 Age : 56 Localisation : Arta, 47100, Greece Date d'inscription : 21/05/2013
Sujet: Re: Goldoni 240 Universal Mar 12 Nov 2013, 06:01
I also forgot to mention that i changed the Clutch Disk since the old one was damaged.
I bought the new spare part from AMA for 32 Euros.
Nombre de messages : 12548 Age : 49 Localisation : seine et marne nord Date d'inscription : 02/09/2005
Sujet: Re: Goldoni 240 Universal Mar 12 Nov 2013, 10:26
bonjour a tous !
Hi kangelis ! many thanks for those pictures ! very good work !
I wish you will be proud and enjoy with this strong tractor !
post us some pictures of the works with the goldoni, we enjoy seeing pictures of your country.
thanks for the link of AMA, I've discoverded that the clutch disk is common with others tractors we have in France, like the valpadana or fiat 25. I've got goldoni and fiat 25c, but I don't know that it's the same parts !