J ai recu ce message de la part d un membre de ce forum.
Le nom Itma n est point ma propriete, mais ceci dit, le numero et le tracteur m appartiennent.
Comment se fait il que l on trouve cette plaque dans la foret, car la plaque est accroche a mon tracteur, donc la plaque est tres lourde!
Serait ce lui qui ma vole ma dynamo?
Car si il a trouve la plaque c est que le tracteur etait avec.
Extrait du message:
Hi Asmeraldat
By the way
by searching web - by googling " Itma Nike 180 " I did find out , that somebody did take picture of your chenillard standing in the forest. He did put the photos on the FLICKR
There is also picture of the number and it is 100% YOUR chenillard.
Its uploaded there on June 23 2009
Hope that its not that man who did stolen you the dynamo.
With best regards