Nombre de messages : 100 Age : 62 Localisation : Stribro by/ Pilsen CZECH REPUBLIC /post code 349 58 Date d'inscription : 27/10/2009
Sujet: Re: S.O.S motor Dim 08 Nov 2009, 11:13
the photos are from the old nike moteur Itma 180,? OR I hope this is not new moteur.
I think, that the problem was that it rained in the exhaust pipe
You must disasemle moteur and put into overhaul. ´= Grind the cilynders + All the parts you need are available in the Italian city of Novellara in Slanzi Diesel Service
les photos sont de l'ancien moteur Nike Itma 180 ? OU J'espère que ce moteur n'est pas nouveau.
Je pense que le problème est qu'il a plu dans le tuyau d'échappement
Vous devez disasemle moteur et mis en révision. = Broyer // GRIND l'cilynders + Toutes les pièces dont vous avez besoin sont disponibles dans la ville italienne de Novellara dans Slanzi Diesel Service
Dernière édition par bastardtraktor le Dim 08 Nov 2009, 16:28, édité 2 fois
Nombre de messages : 100 Age : 62 Localisation : Stribro by/ Pilsen CZECH REPUBLIC /post code 349 58 Date d'inscription : 27/10/2009
Sujet: Re: S.O.S motor Dim 08 Nov 2009, 11:27
And you can move with the pistons? They are rusty-fixe? If you can not move with the pistons - pour CocaCola into the cylinders - ist s not healthy to drink it in large quantities, but but Coca Cola is a very good rust dissolver !!!!!! BELIVE ME there is a Phosphoric acid in Coca Cola - thats the rust dissolver Just look at the Cola botle -there is writen the product content .
BUT MAYBE THIS MOTOR IS SO BAD, THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO REPAIR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Et vous pouvez vous déplacer avec les pistons? Ils sont rouillés-fixe? Si vous ne pouvez pas déplacer avec les pistons - CocaCola verser dans les bouteilles -- ist s pas sain de boire en grande quantité, ..................
mais mais Coca Cola est une rouille très bonne Dissolver !!!!!!
il est un acide phosphorique à Coca Cola - thats the Dissolver Rust Il suffit de regarder la botle-Cola y est écrit le contenu des produits.
Your Tomas
Dernière édition par bastardtraktor le Dim 08 Nov 2009, 16:19, édité 1 fois
Nombre de messages : 100 Age : 62 Localisation : Stribro by/ Pilsen CZECH REPUBLIC /post code 349 58 Date d'inscription : 27/10/2009
Sujet: Re: S.O.S motor Dim 08 Nov 2009, 12:00
Somewhere You can read, that the CocaCola trick do not work, or, that works only litlle BUT the truth is , that it works it desolves the rust look the video
Nombre de messages : 12615 Age : 50 Localisation : seine et marne nord Date d'inscription : 02/09/2005
Sujet: Re: S.O.S motor Dim 08 Nov 2009, 17:10
salut a tous ! comme tomas, je m'interroge sur ce moteur, c'est celui de mg40? il semble bien attaqué ! en nettoyant et en mettant du gasoil, est-ce que ça bouge? s'il ne bouge pas, j'ai peur du travail pour le remettre en etat !
de mon côté, entre deux averses ce week end, j'ai tenté de voir sans demonter si un DVA1300 pourrait se monter sur la cloche du nike 180. a premiere vue oui ! il faut maintenant que je regarde a demonter et voir si mon moteur est toujours bon. si je trouve un peu de temps, demonter le dva1300 et le presenter sur un itma180 dont le moteur est demonté.
a+, marc
Nombre de messages : 42 Age : 34 Localisation : saint amancet Tarn Date d'inscription : 21/03/2008
Sujet: Re: S.O.S motor Dim 08 Nov 2009, 17:51
Malheureusement oui c'est bien le moteur que je proposais et que je pensais en bien meilleur état. Comme tu m'a dit chenillard77 il faut toujours ce méfier de ce que disent les anciens propriétaires.
Pour ce qui est d'essayer de faire bouger les pistons j'e n'ai pas eu le temps m'ai j'essairai dans la semaine.
a + benoit
Nombre de messages : 100 Age : 62 Localisation : Stribro by/ Pilsen CZECH REPUBLIC /post code 349 58 Date d'inscription : 27/10/2009
Sujet: Re: S.O.S motor Dim 08 Nov 2009, 18:41
to Chenillard 77
Bonsoir This is the engine from the chenillard with the weels which Asmeraldat wanted to buy ??
Do you think Marc , that is possible to owerhaul = make general repair such engine ?
Because to buy another DVA 1000 seems to be impossible , and when, than ist the "new"engine as well as bad. To grind the cylindres in France + In Novellara in Slanzi service they have all replace pats for DVA 1000 which are for owerhaul needed. The guestion is only - if it is not too expensive.
To give DVA 1300 to Nike 180 - can be wery good, but than it is not any more an collectible ancient tracteur. Or ???
Thank You for answer Tomas
Nombre de messages : 12615 Age : 50 Localisation : seine et marne nord Date d'inscription : 02/09/2005
Sujet: Re: S.O.S motor Lun 09 Nov 2009, 08:16
Hi tomas ! each motor could be overhauled, but the price could be very expensive ! it's expensive when you can have original parts, but when parts are not available, it could be more expensible, more than find another motor, of course ! there's two possibilities : one, you put a motor to make the tractor working, or you absolutly want a DVA1000T to make the tractor collectible.
which solution ? I've got two nike180, I think it's not rare in France, for collection, you can find it entire . and find a good condition engine is hard.
one solution could be restoring the motor of the "weeled itma" but only if it is not rusty and stuck . other solution is a complete itma , I've got one with an good motor but I'm so far from Prades, transport would be too much expensive !
I don't know what to do, each solutions are expensive. I would go to bordeaux, but I don't know exactly when, a part of the transport could be done at that time? but yet I haven't really bougth something that need me to go there quickly. just an invitation of serge, to drink some of the famous bordeaux red wine !
cheers from Paris ! marc
Nombre de messages : 100 Age : 62 Localisation : Stribro by/ Pilsen CZECH REPUBLIC /post code 349 58 Date d'inscription : 27/10/2009
Sujet: Re: S.O.S motor Mer 11 Nov 2009, 22:29
Thank You Marc
Chers with Pilsner Beer !!
cheers from Pilsen // west Bohemia
Nombre de messages : 129 Age : 36 Localisation : prades 66500 Date d'inscription : 09/05/2009
Sujet: Re: S.O.S motor Mer 11 Nov 2009, 22:43
DRinking Mort subite (Güze...)
Nombre de messages : 100 Age : 62 Localisation : Stribro by/ Pilsen CZECH REPUBLIC /post code 349 58 Date d'inscription : 27/10/2009
Sujet: Re: S.O.S motor Jeu 12 Nov 2009, 00:18
dont wory Asmeraldat I am nit a drinker - i am too poor to drink too much i feel, taht drinking is waste of money I like more to spend the money in tractors collection
maybe once a day a god wine or god beer is healthy
belive me i worket together on a medicine testing
the result was - man or woman after 40 should drink one beer or 2 dcl wine every day
not much more
and thats healthy - because of cholesterole desolving e.t.c.
_________________________ Güze = beauty but in which language ???
Nombre de messages : 129 Age : 36 Localisation : prades 66500 Date d'inscription : 09/05/2009
Sujet: Re: S.O.S motor Jeu 12 Nov 2009, 09:59
It's better too spend your money in tractors collection. I just drink a glass of wine by eating and sometimes a little beer.
What was that motor pomp for 550€ in Italy you did send any times ago? Is it a good motor for my ITMA? In 6 months I found just bad motors.... My engine did work very good.
Nombre de messages : 100 Age : 62 Localisation : Stribro by/ Pilsen CZECH REPUBLIC /post code 349 58 Date d'inscription : 27/10/2009
Sujet: Re: S.O.S motor Jeu 12 Nov 2009, 12:56
Bonjour Unfortunatelly on that motor pomp for 550€ is more modern Moteur Slanzi DVA 930.
Problem is, taht this older typ DVA 1000 was fited just to small ITMA, than to Gallmini chenillard and to tractors which did produce Slanzii itselve.
The more modern Slanzi moteurs were produced in biger quantities for more diferent solutions / tractors, building machines, small dumpers, pomps, shifs, Venezia gondoles, .... etc
Contact Chenillard77 - he has some solution for you. !!!!!!!!!!!!!
AND You can give, or I will give a new anouncment, that you cherche DVA 1000 also on Forum Les Vieilles Soupapes Agricoles There is not your annoucment yet.
Your Tomas
Nombre de messages : 100 Age : 62 Localisation : Stribro by/ Pilsen CZECH REPUBLIC /post code 349 58 Date d'inscription : 27/10/2009
And have seen Your new photos on Hyves - photos of mountens and donkies. Its wery nice.
Its You ??? as a child ?? - riding on the donkie Charlie - on the small photo??
Your Tomas
Nombre de messages : 129 Age : 36 Localisation : prades 66500 Date d'inscription : 09/05/2009
Sujet: Re: S.O.S motor Jeu 12 Nov 2009, 23:02
Yes, it's me riding on that donkey Charlie. I was 7 years old. How did you know it is me?
I'll buy the chenillard of Chenillard 77.
Nombre de messages : 100 Age : 62 Localisation : Stribro by/ Pilsen CZECH REPUBLIC /post code 349 58 Date d'inscription : 27/10/2009
Sujet: Re: S.O.S motor Ven 13 Nov 2009, 20:21
asmeraldat a écrit:
Yes, it's me riding on that donkey Charlie. I was 7 years old. How did you know it is me?
I'll buy the chenillard of Chenillard 77.
Bonsoir !!
How did I know it ?? Its easy as 1 +1 = 2
This is good, that You buy the ITMA from Marc. You want to wait until he will go to south ?? Or You will go for the tracteur ? I think, if you can behind your Merceres have a trailer, you can transport the ITMA .
Your Old ITMA - save for spare parts !! Also the broken engine !!. You must grease it with oil and store it in some dry place.
Your Tomas
Nombre de messages : 129 Age : 36 Localisation : prades 66500 Date d'inscription : 09/05/2009
Sujet: Re: S.O.S motor Ven 20 Nov 2009, 11:05
Ca y est! Ma Panda est réparée!!!!!!!! Elle a son nouveau moteur!!!!!! :farao:
Nombre de messages : 100 Age : 62 Localisation : Stribro by/ Pilsen CZECH REPUBLIC /post code 349 58 Date d'inscription : 27/10/2009
Sujet: Re: S.O.S motor Ven 20 Nov 2009, 17:40
!!! !! ! C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! !! !!!
!!!!!! !! ! F E L I C I T A T I O N S ! !! !!! !!!
!!!!!! !! ! F E L I C I T A T I E S ! !! !!! !! !!!
SO YOU CAN GO NOW TO MOSSET CARE ABOUT ITMA NIKE CHENILLARD !!!! __________________________________________________________
PANDA 4 x 4 is superb car = PETIT MIGNON DEVIL
Are You doing with Your PANADA thinks like this ??
Its Rumanian - inside is français 1,9 Renault Diesel / as in Mégane This are NOT my videos
My looks exactlly same like this black one on on this second vifdeo
But the quality of the car is wry wery LOW - its rumanian Your PANDA is for sure BETTER than my ARO !!!!
AND I do not drive like crazzzzzy in the nature I go with car in nature not for fun - only when i need it because of some work Too many people drives crazzzzy OFF road in the nature It should be ilegal
Your donkeys are better
Nombre de messages : 129 Age : 36 Localisation : prades 66500 Date d'inscription : 09/05/2009
Sujet: Re: S.O.S motor Sam 21 Nov 2009, 11:13
Yes, I do those things with my Panda. I have a intructeur who was in french guyane in the Amazonie and learns me all those things. Everywhere we go the Panda follows. No problem for that little car. But we don't go on prepaired pistes. We go in the mountains there where are no roads, just trees, rocks, and sand and ravins. It's why we changed our motor allready 3 times. Not broken, but used. Like the last one, the segmentation was broken. Sorry, but I don't really know how you say "segmentation" in English.
Nombre de messages : 100 Age : 62 Localisation : Stribro by/ Pilsen CZECH REPUBLIC /post code 349 58 Date d'inscription : 27/10/2009
Sujet: Re: S.O.S motor Sam 21 Nov 2009, 11:37
That is amazing thats great, what you do You are continuously surprising me
First YXou learn it AND THAN Can You please teach me to drive like this ??
____________________ but still i think everybody must be considerate in nature, not everybody is alowed ride in mountiens. Can You imagine, tahat all people from big towns ride with their offroad cars in mountains in hollydays ?? But YOU are aloved do things like that with car in mountains - because you are MONTAGNE !!!!!
Or how you call somebody who is living in mountains ? ____________________
The problem with SEGMENTATION = in english PISTON RINGS is maybe because -
While the engine is by riding in terain not vertically as in normal use on the road but is inclined to side to side sometimes allmost upside down Than is motor bad lubricated in such positions !!!!!!!!
Maybe you need some deeper vane
or seprate oil tank and lubrication pump
Dernière édition par bastardtraktor le Sam 21 Nov 2009, 18:17, édité 5 fois
Nombre de messages : 100 Age : 62 Localisation : Stribro by/ Pilsen CZECH REPUBLIC /post code 349 58 Date d'inscription : 27/10/2009
Sujet: Re: S.O.S motor Sam 21 Nov 2009, 11:44
Do You have some 4x4 tracteur with wheels ???
the ITMA Chenilladr is i hope not your only tracteur !!
Nombre de messages : 100 Age : 62 Localisation : Stribro by/ Pilsen CZECH REPUBLIC /post code 349 58 Date d'inscription : 27/10/2009
Sujet: Re: S.O.S motor Mer 09 Déc 2009, 13:57
Dear Asmeraldsat How are You ?? hope You are not ill any more. And hope, You are happy
I did finaly find Moteur SLANZI DVA 1000 FOR YOU
OR do You have already a moteur from Marc or some otehr Itma chenillard ?
Your Tomas
Prix: 1 500 € Code postal: 67220
moteur diesel slanzi deux cylindres type "dva1000" avec démareure ,dynamo et pompe hydraulique
telephone - 0633 964 261
The price is High, but the moteur looks very good !!! and is with hydraulic pump on it !!